Monday, January 7, 2008

Postdoctoral Training Grant


"Dear Dr. Cameron,

It is a pleasure to inform you that your application to the Postdoctoral Training Program in the Molecular Bases of Eye Disease has received a favorable review from the Program's Trainee Selection Committee. The Committee has recommended your appointment to a one-year, postdoctoral level position on the NEI-funded Training Grant, beginning on February 1st 2008 and ending on January 31st 2009....

...In light of your exceptional academic record, accomplishments, and potential for a productive career in vision research, we are most pleased to welcome you to our Training Program. We look forward to your participation in the months ahead."

I am so grateful for this award, and I'm sure Kristen is even more so. I was worried since I hadn't heard anything and was told I should be getting notice in late December. I received a phone call from Steffie, Dr. Dowling's lab assistant, telling me the good news on Friday January 4th, my birthday!! Kristen took me into the lab on Saturday to pick up my letter and now I just have to figure out all of the details of switching over to this grant. I've also been offered a Teaching Fellowship for two sections of MCB 80-Neurobiology of Behavior. I am excited about these opportunities and look forward to a fun filled, and quite busy, year.

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